Working on a dream

I’m In need of some life motivation this week so here’s my attempt at a pep-talk from me, to me! :

It can be easy sometimes to feel stuck, like running in quick sand. You offer all your energy and dedication to something yet you still find yourself in the same place with little to show for all your effort. Lets call this place what it is, a rut. There are many ways of falling into the chasm of a rut. You could choose it, fall into one without seeing it for what it is, or just by bad luck and circumstance. How you get into the rut doesn’t matter. Life is about how to keep going and move forward.

“You live. You learn.”

If achieving your dreams were easy then everyone would have the perfect lives. I saw something on facebook this morning that said “good things come to those who {wait} get up off their ass and work for it”. Its so true. Yes, patience is a virtue but expecting the world to revolve around you instead of fighting for your dreams is redundant. Opportunities will not just fall onto your lap. You need to get out there and look for them, talk to anyone you can, share your dream. When everyone sees how passionate you are, they will believe in you too and thats when those precious opportunities will come along.

Don’t squander all you’ve been given because of fear. Be grateful for what you have, what you’ve learned, and all the people who have helped you along the way. Go for it, fight for your dream, give it everything you’ve got.

There is no room for self-doubt now, push past it. When you work hard to achieve something, you will know that when you do get it, you will truly deserve it. Giving up is not an option. When the pressure is on and everything seems a bit too much to handle, just stop and remember what it is you are working for. It will all be worth it eventually and you will learn so many invaluable life lessons along the way.

Work for your dream, but enjoy the journey too.


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One response to “Working on a dream

  1. Joan

    Insightful pearls of wisdom.

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